

Selected recent publications

Prainsack B, Buyx A (2017) Solidarity in biomedicine and beyond. Cambridge University Press.

Prainsack B, Buyx A (2016) Das Solidaritätsprinzip. Plädoyer für eine Renaissance in Medizin und Bioethik. campus Verlag.

New paper in Genetics in Medicine on broad consent in healthcare-embedded biobanking in a representative patient sample here.

Del Savio L, Prainsack B, Buyx A (2017): Motivations of Participants in the Citizen Science of Microbiomics: Data from the British Gut Project. Genetics in Medicine doi:10.1038/gim.2016.208

Buyx A, Del Savio L, Prainsack B, Völzke H (2017) Citizen Science and Participatory Governance in Population Studies. International Journal of Epidemiology: 1-8, doi: 10.1093/ije/dyw204.

Prainsack B, Buyx A (2016) Thinking ethical and regulatory frameworks in medicine from the perspective of solidarity on both sides of the Atlantic. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37(6): 1-13, doi: 10.1007/s11017-016-9390-8.

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A full list of publications is here